Live Brave- week 19


Real Women. Real Stories. Real Bravery.

Happy Monday!! Thanks for joining us on our Live Brave journey! I am so excited for you to meet today’s contributor & to hear her story! I truly appreciate Alissa’s willingness to be vulnerable, to own her story & encourage & empower others through it!

Meet Alissa!

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I told God “no” because I was sure I couldn’t handle something. I had this secret fear. One of those fears that silently gnaws away at you, and no matter how hard you pray or wish it away, it remains, and serves as a constant reminder that some things are just out of your control.

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Live Brave- week 18


Real Women. Real Stories. Real Bravery.

Happy Monday friends! Thanks for joining us on our Live Brave journey!  It has been so incredible to hear from many of you & to know that you have been encouraged, inspired & empowered!

I am excited for you to meet today’s lovely contributor! I met Sam several years ago at Arizona State University. Sam was a big part of the campus ministry we lead, ASU Chi Alpha. Sam is the kinda of person you want on your team – super loyal, genuine, a great listener & a fabulous encourager!

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Live Brave- week 17


Real Women. Real Stories. Real Bravery

So glad you are joining us for our Live Brave Series!! It has been such a privilege to share so many amazing women’s stories!

Today I am so blessed to have a dear friend share.. she is by far one of the most sincere & encouraging people I know!

Meet Karrie!

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For me to live brave is not about the absence of fear but to take action in the midst of fear—to have courage and to live vulnerably in relationship with God and others.

I knew I wanted to be a counselor since I was 16 years old and worked tenaciously to do so. Since then I have found my way to being clinical director and co-owner of a private practice, LifeSong Counseling Center. When I started out, I had never realized how tender and vulnerable the journey would be. I get the privilege of delving into other people’s stories and hearing their hearts—their inner most fears, their brokenness. To meet someone in such fragile space, all the while loving and supporting them, has to be one of the most breathtaking experiences. The role of a counselor is very difficult yet, needless to say, I find it life giving.

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Live Brave- week 16


Real Women. Real Stories. Real Bravery. 

Yay, it’s Monday!! Hope you had an extra fabulous weekend!! Not sure about you…but I have had many opportunities to “live brave” recently!! :)

I feel like I say this every week.. BUT.. I am just so excited about today’s post & contributor! Seriously, I am blown away by so many incredible ladies that have shared their hearts and their stories! I truly believe that many have been encouraged, inspired & empowered by these ladies…  so to those of you who have shared… THANK YOU!

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