Live Brave- week 7


Happy Monday!!! Thanks for joining our Live Brave Series! If you are just joining & would like to check out the previous weeks you can go here!

Today I am so excited for you to meet an amazing woman.. she just happens to be one of my neighbors, my fitness instructor .. but most of all my friend! :)

She is a friend to all, has the gift of encouragement & makes working out fun! (most of the time. :) )

Meet Sarah!!!


As a fitness instructor, new client introductions often come with a warning to me that they have not exercised in “forever” and that they “most likely will die”. That preconceived idea of what a fit person is, what they look like, how they move, what they eat, drink and even what they wear, is not how they see themselves. The idea of what fit looks like seems so far off that most of us feel like we could never get there, never be her.   The notion that one must be fit in order to get fit is common, but completely unfounded. How can we ever get to where we want to go if we are expecting ourselves to start at the halfway point? With fitness, the overwhelming majority of us start from zero. The amazing thing is that once you start the changes happen fast. You just have to be brave enough to start.

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Live Brave- week 6


Happy Monday!! Can you believe a start of a new week is here!? Hope it is a great one! :)

I can’t tell you how excited I am to introduce you to one of my best friends! We met long ago in college & have been through all sorts of seasons of life. This friend is one of the bravest people I  know. I pray that you are blessed & inspired by her journey!

Meet Andrea!

Andrea profile 2

Hi friends. My name is Andrea. I’m 38 years old (still trying to figure out how that happened), I’m the mom of 2 awesome kids and the wife of an amazing guy named Jimmy who I also like to refer to as the love of my life. I grew up in a loving Christian home, but through my teens and 20’s made many choices that kept God far from my heart. It wasn’t until about 4 years ago when my life took a 180 degree turn that I decided it was time to finally let Him in. For real. This is the part where I realized that living brave isn’t just a thing you say, but it’s a thing you do. It’s one of those action words we all love!

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Live Brave- week 5


Good Morning & Happy Monday!! I am super blessed to have Miss Angela Olson on the blog today!! Angela is someone I have watched do hard things over & over again… She is a great example of someone on the journey of Living Brave!


Hello from the Philippines! I’m a lover of Jesus, auntie to three little boys, teacher of missionary kids, and more. I currently live in the Manila area after growing up in the Northwest US, doing Chi Alpha and graduating from ASU, and teaching near Seattle. People tell me I’m brave for living in a country different than my passport, but the truth is that I rarely feel brave. Most days, it’s a choice to live brave and do hard things.

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Phoenix Flea

Once again we had an absolute blast at Phoenix Flea!  The venue was amazing.. beautiful weather.. a really great mix of artists. There was a great sense of community & fellow vendors actually were for one another & celebrating each others’ successes… I love that! :)

Props to the organizers of the event.. it all really did go so smoothly!

If you have yet to check out the market – I highly recommend you plan to attend the next one! ( I don’t know the date yet, but assume there will be one in the fall!)

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Live Brave- week 4

Hi friends!! Not sure if you have been following along on our Live Brave Series or if this is your first time here..? Either way, welcome back or welcome!! Feel free to scroll back to read through the the few other Live Brave posts! :)

Today, I am so excited for you to meet a dear friend of mine! Someone who has & does Live Brave. I appreciate her boldness, sense of humor & authenticity just to name a few things.

I really believe you will be blessed by her post! (our first video post!)  yay!!!

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